
John Piper has said, “Missions is not the ultimate goal of the church. Worship is. Missions exists because worship doesn’t.” We love our Savior, and we love to worship Him. At Calvary, we want to dedicate ourselves to bringing more and more people to worship at the throne of Jesus!
Through the generous giving of the people at Calvary, we are able to support missionaries all over the globe. We are privileged to have a couple missionaries that have been sent directly from our church:

Bart and Emily Allen—Papua New Guinea

Bart, Emily, and their four boys minister among the Amdu people located in the mountains of the Sandaun Province of western Papua New Guinea. Bart and Emily are praying that God would allow them to share the hope of Jesus Christ with these men, women, and children of Amdu. They dream of seeing a local church—a body of believers—planted in Amdu.

To accomplish this task, the Word of God must first be translated into the Amdu language—a language that the Allens must first learn before they begin translation work. Please pray for the Allens as they persevere in learning the language and culture of Amdu so that they can share the hope of the Gospel of Jesus! For more information on the Allens, see their blog.

Jason and Adele Rice

Jason, Adele, and their three boys have been serving in Slovakia since 2012. They are partnering with a local group of Slovak churches who are committed to the gospel, and their ministry includes four main goals. They seek to encourage existing Slovak churches, to evangelize the lost, to disciple believers, and to send out believers in mission to Slovakia and the rest of the world. Jason and Adele also serve others within ABWE, their mission organization, by coordinating special events in the region and leading the organization’s team in Slovakia.

Their ministry has involved…

  • Local church ministry (preaching, music ministry, community center special events)
  • Summer day camp ministry (speaking, English classes, translation, running games, teaching skills, video, small group leaders)
  • Refugee outreach (relief, providing gospel materials)
  • Teen retreats (speaking, video)
  • Regional event coordination (conference directors, logistics planning, speaking)
  • Team event planning (retreats)
  • English outreach (village classes)
  • School outreach (English teaching, special events, sports)

Steve and Beth Gault (Baptist Mid Missions)

Steve and Beth are BMM Administrators for Africa and Europe providing training, resources and member care to help our missionaries thrive in life and ministry. Here are some links:

Baptist Mid-Missions



Brendon Hall (Coalition for Christian Outreach)

Brendon ministers at borh Slippery Rock University and Grove City College with a focus on the athletes. His goal is to help college students be transformed by the power of Jesus Christ and His Gospel.

Lucas and Jessica Rondy (Ethnos 360)

Lucas and Jessica and son Benaih left for Mexico in June 2020. You can get more information by joining their facebook page Rondy’s on Mission and or requesting to be added to their email list.


Ethnos 360

Jimmy and Abby Stevenson (Baptist Church Planters)

Jimmy and Abby are church missionary builders. They assist churches with renovation, new buildings, while at the same time aid in discipleship and outreach on those job sites.



Jonathan and Sarah Webber

The Webbers are living in Belgium and partnering with Belgians to equip Belgians to reach the World.

